Sweet REBA Acorn Squash, Cucurbita pepo

Sweet REBA Acorn Squash, Cucurbita pepo

Light                  Full Sun
Plant Depth        1/2-1" inches
Seedling Rate     2-3 seeds every 18-36", thin to 1 plant
Plant Spacing     18-24” inches
Days to Mature   90 days

When to Sow

Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 2 weeks if transplanting. Winter squash require  90-120 frost free days to reach maturity.  Direct seed once danger of frost has passed and soil temperatures reachs 70°F. Begin transplant indoors 3-4 weeks before last risk of frost. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 85-95°F. 


Harvest when fruits are full size with a deep rich color and hard rinds that can’t be easily dented with a finger nail. Changing color of the “ground spot” from yellow to cream, gold or orange is another general indicator of ripeness. To harvest, cut stem at least 2” from the fruit: a short or broken stem can lead to rot. 

Special Features 

Winter squashes (Cucurbita spp.) are warm season tender annuals in the Cucurbitiacea family, which includes cucumbers, summer squash, melons, and gourds. 

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