Organic Fordhook Giant Chard, Beta vulgaris

Organic Fordhook Giant Chard, Beta vulgaris
Light: Full Sun/Part Shade 
Zones: 6-13  
Plant Height: 10-30 inches  
Plant Width:  10-30 inches
Seedling Depth: 1/2" 
Days to Maturity: 25 days baby leaf, 50 days full size
Row Spacing:  Baby leaf 2-4" between bands.  Full size: 18-24".
After five weeks, when leaves are ~3”.  For full size leaves at any stage. Continuous harvests will encourage new growth
Special Features:
Chard (Beta vulgaris) is a hardy biennial in the Chenopodiacea family.  Chard is a type of beet specialized for leaf production. HEIRLOOM; Broad white stems and midribs with dark green savoyed leaves. Upright, high yield potential.  Frost, drought and heat tolerant.  Chard can be direct seeded mid-spring through mid-summer and into fall in warmer regions. Transplants can be started indoors or in a cold frame 4-6 weeks before planting and transplanted outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Transplants result in earlier harvests. Optimal germination temperature is 55-75°F. Days to maturity from direct seeding; if transplanting, subtract 14-21 days.
Approx    seeds per package.

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