Organic Hon Tsai Tai, Brassica rapa var chinensis

Organic Hon Tsai Tai, Brassica rapa var chinensis
Light: Full/Part Sun
Plant Height:  
Seedling Depth: 1/2" 
Plant Spacing: 2”
Seedling Rate: 10-12 seeds/ft.
Row Spacing: 18-24"
Days to Maturity: 37 days 
Harvest multiple times as flower stalks peak above foliage or for a one time harvest.  Dark green leaves with purple veins and stems have petite florets best harvested right before the bright yellow blossoms open.
Special Features:
Moderately hardy annuals that combine qualities of mustard greens and broccoli for salads and light cooking. Grown for their tender flowering shoots, this large family of vegetables has no central head but many tender leaves and side shoots with penny size clusters of buds. Tolerates  light frosts.   Similar to broccoli raab in culture and use, with a sweeter flavor and delicate texture. Young flowering shoots add a sweet, mild mustard flavor to fresh salads, lightly steamed, in stir-fries, or in cream-based pasta dishes. Best grown in mid to late summer when the days are becoming shorter and stems elongate.
Approx.  seeds per package.

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